Welcome to my blog. Does the world really need another blog? Well, probably not. But, I believe
we are all on a journey... and I think it is a good thing to process and to analyze the world around us. So being a writer... what better way to do this? This is a blog where I will authentically share with you the way I see life -- which may include the good, the bad and the ugly. I am glad you found me. I hope you come back again. Blessings.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Impact of One Man's Life

I remember when I met Delane Butler (back in 1989,) he had this weird looking computer with a small screen. It was different from all the computers I was used to.

But according to him, it was way better than any PC. He also told me of the creative genius behind this computer, a guy named Steve Jobs, who helped invent this fantabulous computer.

We married and I went on to write many college papers on that Apple computer. And through those early years of marriage, I also continued to hear a lot more about Steve Jobs and his latest creative move.

As my husband continued to pursue graphic design vocationally, he decided he needed a bigger computer screen. And of course, the computer that all graphic artists needed to have was an Apple computer. So, we bought another one...

Not very many people had Apple computers in the early 90's. It seemed like it was just the artists of the world. And a few teachers here and there. These were the days before the iRevolution. Yes, there was a time before iPods, iTunes and iPhones. Radical, huh?

When it was time to replace this computer, I convinced my dear husband to get a PC. He. Did. Not. Want. To. But, he was now in a different vocational role and he didn't do much design work anymore. He gave in. We had a PC for a while. It bombed a lot. And did weird things. And every time it did something inexplicable, I would hear something like... "We should have gotten a Mac...."

When we decided to get a laptop, there was really no big decision. Well, maybe a little. But thankfully, we got a Mac. And when our PC bit the dust, well, we had learned our lesson.

It is weird how you can have a fond attachment to "things" in this life, isn't it? I mean, come on, it is a computer. It is basically a bunch of plastic, and some glass, and circuit boards. And yet computer technology has had a profound effect on our lives. It affects the way we live. The way we work. The way we communicate. The way we interact. The way we learn.

And then there is my favorite invention from the Apple people. The iPod. I mean, wow. It is one of my most favorite inventions ever. Okay, penicillin first. But then, probably the iPod. It is great. Having volumes of music and pictures and video and lessons and audio books all at my fingertips in a little tiny case -- that also happens to be cute and stylish. Awesomeness.

And I haven't even mentioned Mr. Jobs' contribution and influence on the genius that is Pixar. I mean where would animation (and modern day pop-culture) be today without Toy Story, Cars, Finding Nemo, Up...?

So, as my story comes full circle. It seems fitting that my dear husband was the one who broke the news of Mr. Jobs' passing to me. He had logged onto the internet and read it first.

Like so many today, I have reflected on the contributions accredited to Steve Jobs. It is amazing to think about how one person's life and creativity and genius can have such a profound impact on the world. Indeed, his life has affected my life in many ways. And I never even met him.

And yet, as I truly think about it all, I realize it is all just stuff. And more importantly, I am aware that when we are done, it all goes back in the box.

Monday, September 5, 2011

My Labor Day Weekend...

Labor Day. The holiday in and of itself is a little unusual. I would venture to say many today do not even know the full meaning behind the holiday.... but that is an entirely different post!

I know for me and many others it has traditionally been seen as the final curtain on summer and the realization that "real life" is now beginning... After Labor Day, we set aside the more leisurely pace of summer and we officially get back to our regularly scheduled life...

We found ourselves on the outset of the weekend without scheduled plans. I was trying to make casual plans with friends for dinner... We had a come and go wedding celebration we were tentatively planning to attend on Saturday... And then on Saturday, a friend called and asked us over for a cookout one evening.

And other than those few things, the only thing we wanted to definitely accomplish was a trip to the drive-in (because this fun tradition was still on our summer "to do" list....)

So, the weekend was basically open. Unscheduled. Up in the air. Not normally the way I roll. Because, those of you who know me, know I love my schedules and to do lists.

But, I put schedules and Daytimers aside this weekend and let the weekend kind of just "roll along." When the husband got home on Friday, we had a brief conversation about a few things we would like to get accomplished and a "very loose plan" was made... Because, come on, you can't take the schedule completely out of a scheduler!

Anyway, all that to say, it was a fantastic weekend. It was almost as if not having a lot scheduled to do... gave us all the freedom to get a lot accomplished! Not that this even makes sense. But it was a very productive weekend -- And yet at the same time it was very laid back and relaxed and fun. So hard to explain. I guess it is kind of like vacation should be. You know, ideally, when you go on vacation, you get to go and do and see a lot... but all the while you are feeling relaxed and calm... Doesn't happen very often on vacations, does it?

Many times, we use long holiday weekends to cram in a quick trip to visit family. Or family comes to see us. Or we plan a house project. Or we make plans to have a big get together at our house. But not this weekend.

And I am not going to lie. I had to fight the urge. The urge to schedule something big this weekend. The urge to have a bunch of company over for a dinner. The urge to not go somewhere. The urge to not have a schedule with plans. It seemed weird to just stay at home and be.

And yet I liked it. A lot.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summertime and the living is Easy... NOT!

It used to seem like summer was never ending... it literally went on and on...

Now? It flies by... Can you all believe kids are going back to school?

I know part of it is due to school districts starting classes earlier than they used to... (remember when you started school after Labor Day?)

But, I also think this article by Mitch Albom in this week's Parade magazine may help explain how summer has become too busy and overscheduled that it literally flies by...

The Joys of Summer | Parade.com

It makes me want to buy a hammock and get me a big old pitcher of lemondade and a good book...and then go play in the water sprinkler.

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Waiting Room

DISCLAIMER: I am on a soap box. You are warned.

So, today, I visited my dentist for a regular cleaning. And as soon as I walked into the waiting room I was bombarded with CNN News set at a rather loud volume.

Now, I am not someone who lives under a rock. I am relatively "plugged in" to the outside world. I have the internet. I read the news updates online. I read the paper. So, I knew the stock market is not doing well this week.

However, I really don't want to be barraged with economic doom and gloom while waiting to have my teeth cleaned! Isn't a visit to the dentist disconcerting enough? (Sorry, Audrey!)

Which brings me to another thought. Why on earth do doctors offices feel the need to even put televisions in their waiting rooms? Can't we as American's sit patiently for a few minutes and wait for our appointments? And for that matter, what's up with fast food restaurants having televisions... and hotel breakfast rooms... And then on top of that, the televisions are always set to some news network! I guess our plugged in world just can't get enough news at home (or in their hotel room.) And, if you really can't wait to see what is going on in the world, all you have to do is whip out your iPhone and check the status of the world. Right?

Okay, so back to the doctor's office... If I were a doctor, and I had patients coming into my office, I don't think I would want them to be annoyed, worried, and anxious about the issues of this planet prior to our visit. (To be sure, this is just the prescription to raise blood pressure!)

It seems to me that if you feel you simply must have a television in your waiting room, make sure you have the channel set to something that will make your patients comfortable and at ease. Usually, waiting rooms are not the most fun places to be anyway. First you have the wait. Then the anxiety of whatever will happen at the visit. Then the knowledge that you will be paying for said procedure. Then all the many, many, many forms you have to fill out. And then the doctors add insult to injury (pun intended) by blaring the media's perception of our world.

Can't we just go back to quiet waiting rooms with magazines?

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Reasons why I home school...

We have many reasons we home school our children... And some may even surprise you...

As the school year begins, I sometimes question this decision. Sometimes I want to live within a different reality. When my curriculum arrives, the panic sets in. I have to get through all of this and teach several different subjects to several grades all the while dealing with the shenanigans of a four year old?!?!?

But I believe I was called to home school. Why? I am not sure. I may never know this side of eternity... But nevertheless, this is where we live. This is where God has confirmed we need to be...

Today I was reading a blog. She beautifully describes many of my feelings about the whole issue. Give it a read... It spoke to my heart.


As I think about how quickly my children are growing up... I am confident of this... I will not get to end of my life and wish I had spent less times with my kids. I know I will look back on all the hours I spent with them "home schooling" them with fond memories...thankful I was blessed with extra time with my kids... Blessings.

Monday, July 18, 2011


Like most of the midwestern United States, it is HOT in Kansas. Triple digit temperatures for many days. And little rain. Which naturally leads to a drought. I know this. It is simple. And yet, today I internalized it when I saw first hand the effects.

I was driving downtown Wichita and I saw the Arkansas River. It was nothing more than a muddy stream. And seemingly overnight all the grass in our city is not green anymore. Instead, it is a lovely shade of light brown. The effects of our drought became blatantly obvious to me today -- although, for several days I knew it was hot and dry and we had not had rain.

Odd, I know, but seeing all the effects around our city of a literal, physical drought made me think of my spiritual life. So many times, I am in a drought spiritually but I don't really know it. I know I am dealing with junk (severe heat) and I know there is little water being poured into my parched soul. But usually, it sneaks up on me. And then I see something which makes me realize I am in a spiritual drought.

As I was out driving around today, I thought, "We need rain. Badly. Like now!" Spiritually, you get to that point to. "I need God. Now. Badly."

Why is it we sometimes have to experience a severe drought in our lives to realize our constant need and dependency on (living) water?

Jesus says, "Whoever believes in me...streams of living water will flow from within him." Sounds like the answer to the droughts in life!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A few more pics of New Orleans....

The Streetcar on St. Charles Street. Running through the Garden District.

We happened to turn down the street the wedding procession was coming down. Coincidentally, we had seen the wedding taking place in Jackson Square earlier. We should have gone to the reception and pretended we were long, lost cousins from Kansas.

Beignets and Cafe au lait.

I think this is the oldest restaurant I have ever eaten at... 151 years in business. That is a long time for a restaurant.