Welcome to my blog. Does the world really need another blog? Well, probably not. But, I believe
we are all on a journey... and I think it is a good thing to process and to analyze the world around us. So being a writer... what better way to do this? This is a blog where I will authentically share with you the way I see life -- which may include the good, the bad and the ugly. I am glad you found me. I hope you come back again. Blessings.

Monday, May 9, 2011

A chapter in my life...

For the last eight years, I have attended a bible study on Monday nights. Tonight was the last night of this year's study. And, unless God leads me back to this particular bible study, tonight was also the end of this chapter in my life.

Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) has been an amazing part of my life. For those who are not familiar with it, it is an international, expository bible study. Usually you study one book of the bible each year, and of course they bring in parallel verses, books, etc... This year we studied the book of Isaiah. Next year it is Acts. The cool thing is that everyone, worldwide, is studying the same thing at the same time!

It is hard to quantify what God has taught me through this bible study program. It is hard to adequately convey what BSF has meant to me through the years. BSF came into my life during a time of spiritual transition. And the teaching, encouragement and fellowship I received through BSF, has indeed been a great blessing.

Tonight as we gathered to share what we had learned this year, I was overwhelmed by all that has happened in the last eight years. There were so many truths and principles spoken into my life each and every Monday night. I can't imagine what my life would have been like if I had not been a part of this study. I am so thankful God led me to this study.

If you are searching for a bible study to join next fall, consider BSF. It may very well be just what God has planned for your life.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hope and Joy

We have recently come face to face with death. Delane's grandmother, Anna Belle, passed away last week. She was 95. She had been married 77 years. She had given birth to 15 children. She sewed a lot. She baked a lot. She hugged a lot of babies. She made people feel special. She lived a good life. She did good things. She had a powerful influence in many, many lifes. She was a great woman.

But all this would be meaningless without her faith...

And so at the visitation you heard laughing. At the cemetery, friends and families lingered visiting and reconnecting and laughing. There was sadness because we were saying goodbye. But there was also an expectancy in the air. A little bit of joy. Yes, joy. Why? Because there was hope.

You see when you have faith that this human life is not all there is... When you believe something better is waiting.... When you believe an eternity in the presence of God is available... it gives you HOPE. And true JOY.

So, as we come to Easter, the time when we remember the resurrection of JESUS... the time when those of us who have FAITH reflect on what HIS death and resurrection mean to us, we have HOPE and JOY.

My prayer is you have this HOPE and JOY in your life...

Friday, April 8, 2011

Springtime in the Plains

We have lived in Kansas for 15 years... And I can say unequivocally, spring is my favorite season in Kansas. When we lived in Indiana, I would tell you that fall is my favorite. Fall is glorious back that way. But here? Here the spring time is glorious. Even with the wind. And even though we are put on alert for severe weather from time to time. Spring is my most favorite season in Kansas.

So what makes Kansas so special in the spring? Well, for starters, it is beautiful and lush and green. All the grass, bushes, trees, and plants seem fresh. And right now they are blooming and budding. Gorgeous.

I love seeing those first Forsythia plants start blooming. Then the Bradford Pears. Then the Red Bud trees... It seems every week there is a new plant or bush to enjoy in all its radiant glory. You most definitely see first hand the work of an amazing creator.

In addition to the sights of spring, I love the sounds of spring too. I love to hear the wind blow and feel the breeze flow through the window. I love the sound of the birds chirping and calling their mate. I love the hum of the neighborhood lawnmowers powering up for their call of duty.

It makes me feel alive and excited and thankful. There is just something magical in the air in the spring! I love it!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Ocean

Last week, my husband and I were finally able to get away for a few days to celebrate our anniversary. We chose to go to California -- the San Diego area because neither of us had been to that part of the state. It was wonderful. We were very impressed with the variety of things to do and the beauty in that area. Everything was blooming and looked fresh! It was gorgeous.

Of course, one of the biggest excitements for this land-locked midwest girl was to see the ocean. When I see the ocean, I am always reminded of the power of God's creation. How can anyone stand beside the ocean and not be in awe of its power? It's beauty? It's sheer force? And yet, God is above all that I saw and experienced with my human eyes. Amazing.

Isaiah 51:15 says, "I am the Lord your God, who churns up the sea so that its waves roar--the Lord Almighty is his name."

I was reminded of God's power and glory several times during my trip to California. When we stood beside the ocean, when we saw all the variety of His creation. When we saw the beauty in the sunset. When we were flying over the Rocky Mountains and the Grand Canyon. His power and his beauty and splendor were all around us. (I know all of that is here in Kansas too - it is just different :-) It just doesn't look like this...

I am so grateful to have gotten away and had time to spend with my husband. But, I am also grateful for the opportunity to experience and enjoy more of God's creation. Good times indeed.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

My thoughts this week

I know my posts haven't been regular lately. I have several posts I am working on. Some are written. Waiting to be edited. And this week it is hard to know what to say after seeing what is going on across the ocean in Japan. I was reading several of the blogs I regularly read and found one that says exactly what I am feeling. Check out her blog... sarahmarkley.com.


Monday, March 7, 2011

I don't remember signing up for this...

I remember when we found out we were going to be parents. Going on 16 years ago. Wow. So hard to believe how fast the time has gone. Anyway, not long after I found out I was pregnant, I went and bought the "bible" for pregnancy, "What to Expect When You are Expecting." And let me just say, I am not getting paid to endorse this book, but seriously it is the best pregnancy book ever. Truly. Especially for a hypochondriac woman who tends to have periods of anxiety. Tailor made for a woman like me.

Anyway, that book was great during my pregnancy. I would start having leg cramps. I would look up "What to Expect in the whatever Month" and bingo...it would tell me to expect leg cramps. Loved it. It gave me confirmation and comfort and eased my mind. It helped me get through pregnancy five times.

Then you prepare you the birth. You take "birthing classes." Then you take "breastfeeding classes." Then you take "newborn classes." We were ready. Then you have the baby...

Fast forward fifteen years. We now have five children. A teenager. A pre-teen. Two in the middle and a toddler. They don't have a "What to Expect" book for this part of parenting. Situations arise all the time that I don't expect. And there isn't an all inclusive book that tells me exactly how to handle the situation. (Okay, I know some of you out there who read my blog might be thinking... the bible. But, last I checked the bible didn't directly address what to do when your boys squirt red ooze on the white carpet.) UGH! I don't remember signing up for this....

I tell people who are newly pregnant to enjoy their pregnancy and childbirth. And especially enjoy childbirth. It is the easiest part of being a parent. You have a team of professionals surrounding you and helping make you comfortable and monitoring every little thing. And the best part...you are actually encouraged to take drugs to help make it through the process!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Some days...

...you got it and some days you don't. The words aren't coming this week. I am not quick with the thoughts and the motivation to process my world isn't happening. Life is still going on. But the need to share and philosophize...not so much. I know it will return. I will feel the need to write again. It may be later today. So stay tuned. In the mean time, have a blessed week.