I know for me and many others it has traditionally been seen as the final curtain on summer and the realization that "real life" is now beginning... After Labor Day, we set aside the more leisurely pace of summer and we officially get back to our regularly scheduled life...
We found ourselves on the outset of the weekend without scheduled plans. I was trying to make casual plans with friends for dinner... We had a come and go wedding celebration we were tentatively planning to attend on Saturday... And then on Saturday, a friend called and asked us over for a cookout one evening.
And other than those few things, the only thing we wanted to definitely accomplish was a trip to the drive-in (because this fun tradition was still on our summer "to do" list....)
So, the weekend was basically open. Unscheduled. Up in the air. Not normally the way I roll. Because, those of you who know me, know I love my schedules and to do lists.
But, I put schedules and Daytimers aside this weekend and let the weekend kind of just "roll along." When the husband got home on Friday, we had a brief conversation about a few things we would like to get accomplished and a "very loose plan" was made... Because, come on, you can't take the schedule completely out of a scheduler!
Anyway, all that to say, it was a fantastic weekend. It was almost as if not having a lot scheduled to do... gave us all the freedom to get a lot accomplished! Not that this even makes sense. But it was a very productive weekend -- And yet at the same time it was very laid back and relaxed and fun. So hard to explain. I guess it is kind of like vacation should be. You know, ideally, when you go on vacation, you get to go and do and see a lot... but all the while you are feeling relaxed and calm... Doesn't happen very often on vacations, does it?
Many times, we use long holiday weekends to cram in a quick trip to visit family. Or family comes to see us. Or we plan a house project. Or we make plans to have a big get together at our house. But not this weekend.
And I am not going to lie. I had to fight the urge. The urge to schedule something big this weekend. The urge to have a bunch of company over for a dinner. The urge to not go somewhere. The urge to not have a schedule with plans. It seemed weird to just stay at home and be.
And yet I liked it. A lot.