Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) has been an amazing part of my life. For those who are not familiar with it, it is an international, expository bible study. Usually you study one book of the bible each year, and of course they bring in parallel verses, books, etc... This year we studied the book of Isaiah. Next year it is Acts. The cool thing is that everyone, worldwide, is studying the same thing at the same time!
It is hard to quantify what God has taught me through this bible study program. It is hard to adequately convey what BSF has meant to me through the years. BSF came into my life during a time of spiritual transition. And the teaching, encouragement and fellowship I received through BSF, has indeed been a great blessing.
Tonight as we gathered to share what we had learned this year, I was overwhelmed by all that has happened in the last eight years. There were so many truths and principles spoken into my life each and every Monday night. I can't imagine what my life would have been like if I had not been a part of this study. I am so thankful God led me to this study.
If you are searching for a bible study to join next fall, consider BSF. It may very well be just what God has planned for your life.